Ashampoo Office 9

CHF 18.06

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Ashampoo Office 9 – key features

  1. text editing
  2. Spreadsheet and data analysis tools
  3. Creation of professional presentations

Ashampoo Office 9 – detailed description

Die Textbearbeitung in Ashampoo Office 9 bietet einen umfangreichen Werkzeugkasten zur Textentwicklung, der das Erstellen von professionell aussehenden Dokumenten erleichtert. Funktionen wie Rechtschreibprüfung, automatisches Formatieren sowie die Möglichkeit, Kommentare hinzuzufügen und Änderungen nachzuverfolgen, unterstützen die Zusammenarbeit an Dokumenten.

Automatic correction of common typos in various languages and improved spell checking significantly enhance text quality. Additional formatting options and the easy editing of grouped objects improve the workflow.

Ashampoo Office 9 führt Verbesserungen ein, wie platzsparende PDF-Dateien und die Erstellung attraktiver Präsentationen mit Multimedia-Elementen. Die intuitive Benutzeroberfläche und Vorlagen erleichtern die Erstellung interessanten Materials.

Spreadsheets allow for easy management of complex data sets through advanced data analysis functions. Ashampoo Office 9 also offers modern features such as the direct entry of hexadecimal values.

The dark mode, adapted to Windows system settings, and the ability to share documents with Windows applications, make work more comfortable.

In summary, Ashampoo Office 9 is a comprehensive solution for efficient office work, equipped with a rich set of features that facilitate everyday tasks.

Ashampoo Office 9 – system requirements

  • Operating System: Windows 10, 11
  • Requirements: Any device that supports the above operating systems.
  • Other: An internet connection is required to activate the program. The program license is periodically verified. Administrative rights on the system are needed to use the program.

Ashampoo Office 9

CHF 18.06

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